"The sight and scent of a newly baked loaf has a romantic appeal that transcends all other culinary achievements".
~ Elisabeth Luard
My husband, Boyd, is a fantastic cook and baker. He calls it his "scrapbooking time"... in other words... his hobby. As a retired scientist he's very curious about the chemistry involved in cooking & baking. His latest quest has been to figure out how to make the perfect loaf of French bread. Day after day he made loaves looking for just the right texture and crust. I think he's got it!! Not only is our house constantly filled with the smell of baking bread, but we get to be the tasters. Yummers! To go with the bread he infused olive oil with different herbs. He put basil (my favorite), rosemary, and oregano in 3 different containers covered with a good virgin olive oil. He let them rest in a dark place for 2 weeks. Then he took the herbs out and poured each oil into dark bottles (light isn't good for olive oil) for table use. My girls like to put olive oil on the plate, salt, ground pepper, and freshly grated parmigiano-reggiano cheese. It's good any way!!
YUMMERS is right!! My mouth watered just seeing the photo of the bread!! Add the dipping oil to that, and YUM!
Love the photo of the girls and the pooches, too!
You wrote to me on my Peace Blog about getting in touch with me. I am going to be out of town for a couple of weeks with family activities. Will try to connect later. Thanks for your thoughtfulness.
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