Thursday, July 26, 2007


We went to a friend's home for dinner last night.
Boyd was busy at the kitchen counter gathering together an appetizer we were taking along while I was finishing trying to curl my hair.
"Are you ready, honey?" I called to him.
"All set!" he replied.
I walked into the kitchen and snuck up behind him to give him a kiss on the neck.
And then I saw 'IT'.
The label.
The label?
"Honey, you put your shirt on inside out!!"But, I'll never tell... right!
(just the blog world)


dutchcomfort said...

Your husband is very trendy! Lots of clothes have lables at the outside these days!

Helen said...

The funniest thing about his is your cheeky smiling face is right beside "that shirt"!!!! Great story did you tell???? You bad girl!!

Froggy said...

That's so cute! Hope you did tell him before you went out! haha!!

Rhona said...

That's so cute! Hope you did tell him before you went out! haha!!

tweetey30 said...

Cute yes. Very mean if you didnt. I e-mailed you right after you e-mailed me the other day. Just wondering if you got it?

Wanda said...

I love the secrets we can tell the blog world!! This one is clasic!
I agree, your picture next to your blog pix is priceless!

Amanda Jean said...

at least you caught it before you left the house!

Angie said...

Ha ha! That's hilarious. I love that you blogged it! : )

Unknown said...

After surprising you with a trip to that quilt store, he has so many points he can wear his shirt inside out and backwards . . . .

I had to laugh. Not so long ago, Hubby and I met for a late lunch. About 1/2 through lunch I look and look and look and realize his polo shirt is on Inside Out. Now he's worn it this way since first thing this AM -- been at work, out driving, restaurant for lunch.

Best part is, he's the boss of the office so you just knew the guys were waiting for him to leave so they could have the best laugh of all!