Monday, January 6, 2014


What's all the hullabaloo with Candy Crush Saga?

It's mentioned all over the place... especially on Facebook. I wondered why people would spend so much time playing what I thought looked like a rather dumb game. Then when I was in the hospital for my first botched heart surgery, my daughter was busily tapping away on her iphone, not texting, but playing the game Candy Crush. One of my male nurses offered to put it on my phone. "Sure, go ahead!" I was curious. It certainly seemed easy enough... not much of a challenge. Then again, I love to play games. After a few games, I was hooked! The levels flew by like geese heading south. I was fascinated with the colorful pieces of candy dancing over the game board. Easy! Then I got stuck. And stuck I was... for two weeks on one level. However the challenge was all-consuming and I'd pick up my phone off-and-on throughout the day.

Currently, I'm on level #88 and I was proud of myself and got a feeling of success with each win. I'd smile, do a shout-out, and a little happy dance. But there was another level to conquer so I needed to move on. I've seen scores flash by that were in the 400's. I really haven't figured out how they do that. Maybe magic?   


Nancy said...

Fortunately, I'm one who tried it and didn't like it. But I have plenty of other addictions!

Needled Mom said...

I've never tried it and I dare not chance another time consuming task at this point. ;-)

Pam said...

I've never got into computer games but like Needled Mom, I'm not going to try!

Sorry you've had such a rotten time. Nice to see you back. Onwards and upwards!